Provisional Agenda for the 7th Meeting ofBRICS Solid State Lighting Collaboration Working Group
The Role of UV LED in Fighting the Epidemic UV LED與“抗疫” |
18:00-18:10 |
Welcome Address 致歡迎辭 |
18:10-18:25 |
Key Notes Speech “The opportunity of UV LEDs in Epidemic Prevention and Control – Demands and Utilizations” “UV LED在疫情防控中的機遇——需求和應用” Dr. Jianchang Yan Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China 閆建昌博士 中國科學院半導體研究所研究員 |
18:25-18:50 |
Key Notes Speech “Germicidal UVC radiation: Fact and fiction about killing pathogens” “殺菌紫外線輻射:殺死病原體的事實與虛構” Prof. Robert Karlicek Center Director Center Lighting Enabled Systems & Applications (LESA), USA Professor of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA Member of ISA Council of Management Robert Karlicek教授 美國倫斯勒理工學院,電子、計算機與系統工程系教授 照明系統及應用中心主任 ISA管理委員會成員 |
18:40-18:55 |
“The Development of UV Technology and its Applications in Brazil” “巴西紫外線技術的發展及其應用” Mr. Isac Roizenblatt Technical Director, Association of the Brazilian Lighting Industry (Abilux) Isac Roizenblatt先生 巴西照明產業協會(Abilux)技術總監 |
18:55-19:10 |
“Research in High Temperature MOCVD System for UVC LED” (TBC) “UVC LED高溫MOCVD系統的研究” Dr. Anton Chernyakov (TBC) Researcher, Submicron Heterostructures for Microelectronics Research and Engineering Center of RAS (SHM R&E Center), Russia Anton Chernyakov 博士 俄羅斯約飛所納米異質結構微電子研究與工程中心研究員 |
19:10-19:25 |
"UV Lighting Applications in India" (TBC) “UV照明在印度的應用” Mr. Shyam Sujan (TBC) Secretary General, Electric Lamp and Component Manufacturers' Association of India (ELCOMA), India Shyam Sujan先生 印度電燈和元件制造商協會(ELCOMA)秘書長 |
19:25-19:40 |
“The Industry Pattern, Progress and Prospect of UV LEDs in China”(TBC) “中國UV LED行業格局、發展與展望” Ms. Jianqun Hao (TBC) Director, Industrial Research Institute of China SSL Alliance (CSA), China 郝建群女士 中國半導體照明聯盟產業研究院院長 |
19:40-19:55 |
“UV Lighting Application in South Africa” (TBC) “UV照明在南非的應用” Dr. Natasha Nel-Sakharova Director, Electricity and Magnetism Division, National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA) Former President, Illumination Engineering Society of South Africa (IESSA), South Africa Natasha Nel-Sakharova 博士 南非國家計量研究所(NMISA)電磁所所長 南非照明工程學會前主席 |
19:55-20:05 |
Break 休息 |
20:05-20:20 |
The Introduction of “CIE Statement on UVC Lighting” (TBC) “CIE UVC照明宣言”簡介 Prof. Luoxi Hao Professor, University of Tongji, China Vice-President of CIE 郝洛西教授 中國同濟大學教授 國際照明委員會(CIE)副主席 |
20:20-20:35 |
“The Development Trend of UV Lighting Technology and Applications” (TBC) “紫外線照明技術與應用的發展趨勢” Signify 昕諾飛 |
20:35-20:50 |
“The sterilization and Disinfection Applications of UV LED and its Market Prospective” “紫外線LED的殺菌、消毒應用及市場展望” Mr. Xiaobo LIN Corporate Rep & Sales Director, Seoul Viosys 林曉波先生 首爾portant; overflow-wrap: break-word !important;">Viosys公司代表及銷售總監 |
20:50-21:05 |
“The Latest Development of UV LEDs Light Radiation Measurement Technology” “UV LED光輻射測量技術的最新發展” Ms. Cherry LI Head of Research Institute, Everfine 李倩女士 遠方光電科學研究院光學所所長 |
21:05-21:10 |
Summary 總結 |
21:10 |
Adjourn 休會 |
Beyond General Lighting 超越照明 |
18:00-18:10 |
Welcome Address 致歡迎辭 |
18:10- 18:30 |
“ISA Special Report 2020: UV LEDs in Disinfection and Sterilization” “ISA特別報告2020:紫外線led在消毒滅菌中的應用” Prof. Norman Bardsley ISA Chief Analyst Norman Bardsley博士 ISA首席分析師 |
18:30-18:50 |
“LiFi Technology and Application Development” “LiFi技術及應用開發” Prof. Xiongbin Chen Researcher,Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), China 陳雄斌博士 中國科學院半導體研究所研究員 |
18:50-19:10 |
“Mini and Micro LED for Display” “Mini LED和Micro LED顯示” Prof. Qun Yan Professor of Fuzhou University Fellow of SID(Society for Information Display), President of SID Beijing President of Display Training School(DTS) 嚴群教授 福州大學 國際信息顯示學會(SID)研究院 SID北京分會主席 SID國際顯示技術培訓學校委員會主席 |
19:10- 19:30 |
“UVA LED Application in Photocatalysis technology” “UVA LED在光催化技術中的應用” Mr. Hong XU Xiamen Lumigro Technology Co.,Ltd Guangdong YUE Prutitech technology co.,ltd 徐虹先生 廈門通秴科技有限公司首席技術官 |
19:30-19:40 |
Break 休息 |
19:40-20:00 |
“Development in Yellow and Green LED” “黃色及綠色LED的發展” Dr. Jianli Zhang Nanchang University 張建立博士 南昌大學 |
20:00-20:20 |
“Smart Street Lighting Application” (TBC) “智能街道照明應用” Mr. Haibo QIN (TBC) Unilumin 秦海波先生 深圳市洲明科技股份有限公司 |
20:20-20:40 |
“LED Classroom Lighting Requirements” “LED教室照明要求” Ms. Lorna WEN China National Institute of Standardization (CNIS) 溫蓉蓉女士 中國標準化研究院 |
20:40-21:00 |
“LED Poultry Farm Lighting Applications” “LED家禽場照明應用” Prof. Jinming Pan Zhejiang University 泮進明教授 浙江大學 |
21:00-21:10 |
Summary 總結 |
21:10 |
Adjourn 休會 |